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1/6兵人模型  KP08 KP09

1/6兵人模型 KP08 KP09

KAUSTIC PLASTIK: 1/6古罗马将军/Roman General
Marcus Nonius Macrinus
Dux Exercituum Imperatoris Marci Aurelii
Circa 161 A D
Roman General
Deluxe pqakaging
New headsculpt
KP04 Generation K Body
Theilenhofen Heim (Die Cast)
Sword - Gladio (Die Cast)
Bronzed Armour - Lorica Muscolata
Pteruges - Leather vest
Purpie Cape (Cloth)
Purpie Toga
Parade Closed Boots - Calcei (Leather)
White Tunic Short (Cloth)
White Tunic Long (Cloth)
Decorated Belt - (Leather + Details in Die Cast)
Parazonium - (Parade Sword)
Fasces (bundle of wooden rods with Axe)
Command Staff
Deluxe Stand
KAUSTIC PLASTIK l/6古罗马禁卫军/Praetorian Guard
Lucius Aelius Seianus
Praetoriae Cohortes
Circa 43 A.D.
Praetorian Guard
Deluxe Packaging
New headsculpt
KP04 Generation K Body
Praetorian Attic Helm (Die Cast)
Sword - Gladio (Die Cast)
Dagger - Pugio (Die Cast)
Armour - Lorica Muscolata
Pteruges - Leather vest
Red Cape (Cloth)
Closed Boots - Calcei (Leather)
White Tunic Short (Cloth)
White Tunic Long (Cloth)
Red Scarf - Focale (Cloth)
Armored Belt - Cingulum Militare (Leather + Details in Die Cast
Pilum kit
Long Lance
Vexillum - Legion Flag
Deluxe Stand
